Youth unemployment is leaving a £45 billion hole in the economy per year.
On average it costs IAF £850 to help each young person; significantly cheaper than potential long-term benefits payments.
Within the Midlands, the decline of local industries has hit hard, and some people have been out of work for multiple generations. We know that people in this situation have low aspirations, low self-esteem, poor skills and often suffer from abuse, neglect, bullying, teenage pregnancy, addictions, poverty, homelessness, peer pressure or have care responsibilities.
The impact of this on their lives is huge. It leads to mental and physical barriers to moving forward with their lives. We cannot change what has happened in their lives, but through what we do we can help them find the support they need to work their way towards a better future.
young people a year in Nottinghamshire.
of these participants progress into employment, education or training. We continue to work with those who don’t for as long as necessary.
of participants have raised self-esteem as a result of participating in our courses.
of participants are from the top 20% most deprived areas of the UK.
faced at least one socio-economic barrier to employment.
of our participants had no qualifications higher than GCSE, National 5 or equivalent.